Nintesto Farm

Welcome to the "Farm". The Farm was spun up to help with a particular aspect of preserving defunct Nintendo Console Software. Specifically certain games/consoles/etc. can only be run on very specific consoles, some of which may not even be available. This problem becomes even more real when you enter developing for these consoles. Some things require dev-kits that are no longer sold, produced, and can cost a fortune to procure.

Nintesto farm aims to be one small band-aid on this problem, as longer term initiatives (such as re-implementing build tools that don't require specific dev consoles, etc.) can continue without as much pressure.

Specifically, it opens up the many devices we've collected throughout the years to be used by anyone working on preserving any kind of media, hardware, or software. We will build, test, run, capture packet traces, provide support for old SDKs not working, etc. All free of charge, limited only by our free-time that we can devote to this.

Eventually there will be a support portal that allows folks to email, and upload files securely. However, between real life events (like pc motherboards breaking), work scheduling, and an influx of requests for testing when I first released this page (also some of these brought forth major features I'd want the portal to support), it has unfortunately been delayed. You can of course still email us at: in order to queue up support requests manually in the meantime.

Below is a list of unique devices (excluding backups, or other regions) that we currently have available for testing:

Device Name Device Model Current Firmware Version (if Applicable)
Nintendo DS NTR-001 [C/NTR-JPN(W)] N/A
DS Download Station NTR-001 [C/NTR-USA-1] N/A
Nintendo DS w/ Capture Card NTR-001 (JPN) [C/NTR-JPN-1] N/A
DSi TWL-001 (JPN) [C/TWL-JPN] 1.4.3J
iQue DSi TWL-001(CHN) 1.4C
Nintendo Zone Box LSA-NZB-S-JPN [WAP-002 (JPN)] Unknown
DSiXL UTL-001 (EUR) [C/UTL-EUR] 1.4.1E
DSi "Panda" (Dev-Unit) TWL-001(-01)(USA) [DEV-TWL-USZ1] 1.3U
DSi Factory Unit TWL-001(-01)(JPN) [DEV-TWL-JPN] 1.4.0J-DEV
3DS CTR-001(USA) [CTR-S-USZ-C0] 9.5.0-22U
3DS w/ Capture Card CTR-001 (JPN) [CTR-S-JPN-C0] 11.15.0-47J
3DSXL SPR-001(USA) [SPR-BM-USZ-C0] 11.15.0-47U
3DS "Panda" (Dev-Unit) CTR-001(-01)(USA) [LTZ-CTR-S-USZ] r62419
3DS LL "Panda" (Dev-Unit) SPR-001(-01) [SPR-ZG/F-C0] r47586
Partner-CTR Capture Debugger PARTNER-CTR Capture Debugger 0.0.0
New 3DS KTR-001 11.6.0-39U
New 3DS XL RED-001 [RED-S-USZ-C0] 11.0.0-21U
New 3DS XL w/ Capture Card RED-001 [RED-S-JPN-C0] 11.16.0-49E
2DS FTR-001 [FTR-S-AA/F-UXE-C0] 11.15.0-47U
2DSXL JAN-001 [JAN-S C1] 11.15.0-47U
Wii RVL-001(USA) [C/RVL-USA] 4.3U
Wii Starlight STARLIGHT Dev
Wii Mini RVL-201(USA) [LSA-RVO-S-USZ-C1] 4.3U
RVT-R RVT-R Reader (wired) RVT-002 2.0E
RVT-H RVT-H Reader (wireless) [RVT-005] 1.2.1
NDEV RVT-001 [NDEV Wireless] 1.1.1
Wii-U WUP-101(02) LTB2-WUP/F-S-USA-C2 5.5.2U
Wii-U Gamepad WUP-010 (USA) N/A
CAT-DEV WUT-001 2.12.13

We also have some blank RVT-R discs, and CAT-R discs. So we should be able to test burning discs if necessary, but this will only be done in certain cases as there are not many discs left for anyone to purchase, and we need to be conservative.

Lastly we also want to mention for you hardware engineers out there, we do have several boards specifically from the factory such as RVL-Ocean, RVL-Turtle,RVLC-DIF-01, etc.